Want to turn your smartphone into an intelligent virtual assistant? Tried building cloud-based mobile apps and had trouble with the kludge of tools online? or are you unsure where to start?
Wherever you are in that journey, this Zero to Cognitive video series will catch you up and walk you through building a cognitive, conversational app.
Skip the foreplay. TL;DR. Whatever .. Go check out the first video in the series.
The Web is overflowing with solutions to all kinds of problems. If you’ve thought of a problem then there are people paying for a chance to have their solution get some of your attention.
When it comes to cloud-based and mobile solutions, IBM Bluemix has the coolest toys in the toybox. And like most everyone else in that space they’re sharing their toys with all the kids.
IBM is doing more than just sharing their cool toys, though. IBM’s getting Bob Dill, Distinguished Engineer and CTO, to show you how their toys work and how to get them up and running quickly.
Whatever your entry point, this Zero to Cognitive video series will walk you through building a cognitive, conversational app.
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