14 April 2017

Publish a Project Template Programmatically

“Hey, we should <bright idea>!”

When we write that idea down there are several questions we’ll want to answer before we do much else with it. When we make a Repository on GitHub for one of these bright ideas, we can populate some Issues and a Project by default.

A project template includes …

Several Issues

A Project with Columns

Create a Project named <repo-name> board in the Repository. Add these Columns to it:

Other / Misc / Future / ???

Manual walkthrough …

This walkthrough uses curl and bash

For this walkthrough we’ll use curl and shell environment variables. Substitute tools of your choice.

Know where to find the instructions

I started with https://developer.github.com/v3/ and https://google.com

Note: Some GitHub APIs, like the Projects API, have special access requirements.

Create a Repository

Create a project Repository with .gitignore, LICENSE.md, and README.md

I made https://github.com/solvaholic/projecter

Get a Personal Access Token

You can get yours here: https://github.com/settings/tokens

The API calls we’re using require the repo scope.

For convenience let’s make some variables:

$ head1='Authorization: token '$mytoken
$ head2='Accept: application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json'

Get Repository metadata


When you script this solution, grab data about the Repository from the API responses.

$ curl -H "$head1" https://api.github.com/repos/solvaholic/projecter

That will return, for example:

"name": "projecter",
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/solvaholic/projecter",
"issues_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/solvaholic/projecter/issues{/number}",

Create templated Issues


$ issues_url='https://api.github.com/repos/solvaholic/projecter/issues'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head1" $issues_url -d '{"title": "What is the problem?", "body": "The problem we imagine is ...", "labels": ["question"]}'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head1" $issues_url -d '{"title": "Who has this problem?", "body": "Describe the people or personas who have this problem.", "labels": ["question"]}'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head1" $issues_url -d '{"title": "What solutions exist?", "body": "What work has already been done to solve this problem?", "labels": ["question"]}'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head1" $issues_url -d '{"title": "What will we do about it?", "body": "How will we solve this problem? (How) Will our solution be better?", "labels": ["question"]}'

We’re going to need those id’s later:

"id": 221928483,
"number": 1,

"id": 221928730,
"number": 2,

"id": 221928817,
"number": 3,

"id": 221928833,
"number": 4,

Create Project and Columns


$ projects_url='https://api.github.com/repos/solvaholic/projecter/projects'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head2" -H "$head1" $projects_url -d '{"name": "projecter board"}'

Grab that columns_url so we can add Columns to our new Project:

"columns_url": "https://api.github.com/projects/538568/columns",


$ columns_url='https://api.github.com/projects/538568/columns'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head2" -H "$head1" $columns_url -d '{"name": "Now"}'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head2" -H "$head1" $columns_url -d '{"name": "Next"}'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head2" -H "$head1" $columns_url -d '{"name": "Later"}'

Next we’ll need the cards_url of the Now column:

"cards_url": "https://api.github.com/projects/columns/911205/cards",

Add Issue Cards to Project Columns


When you add cards they will push into the top of the column:

$ now_cards_url='https://api.github.com/projects/columns/911205/cards'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head2" -H "$head1" $now_cards_url -d '{"content_type": "Issue", "content_id": 221928833}'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head2" -H "$head1" $now_cards_url -d '{"content_type": "Issue", "content_id": 221928817}'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head2" -H "$head1" $now_cards_url -d '{"content_type": "Issue", "content_id": 221928730}'
$ curl -X POST -H "$head2" -H "$head1" $now_cards_url -d '{"content_type": "Issue", "content_id": 221928483}'
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