23 August 2021

Set up your GitHub Pages site locally (again)

I made new notes about setting up a GitHub Pages site locally. With fewer containers this time. Special thanks to @BDHU for updating the Minimal theme with dark mode and attractive-yet-simple links lists. :bow:

This past weekend I set out to add dark mode to this site and create a new post. I spent a bunch of time learning, cleaning up, and adding dark mode. I kept wanting to do more, though: The Minimal theme is still my favorite layout, but I had broken the 3-part Downloads box from the theme and needed to fix where the links landed.

Right on time I came across this issue where @BDHU had just recently shared their site:


Boom. So I ran through the modifications on a newly created Pages site to answer a question in that issue and to get familiar with the content:


And then I spent way too much time tinkering on that, probably while procrastinating or avoiding some houshold chore. So here’s this post with a link to the new notes. Now I’m going to go see what I’ve been putting off.


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