28 August 2021

Leadership's new roles

Back in, probably, 2012 I came across a paper about action mapping that concisely listed “Leadership’s new roles in an environment of unpredictability”. Three bullet points cemented in my mind what effective leaders needed to do.

The link I saved for the paper names a host that’s no longer available. However, I’m confident the relevant bit came from Bruce Matsui’s Action Mapping: A Planning Tool for Change. HSLA Monograph.:

Leadership’s new roles in an environment of unpredictability include:
1) the “art” of getting people to pay attention,
2) the ability to manage energy resources, and
3) the mastery of processes that reduce the uncertainty surrounding change

These points describe immediate actions and generally applicable skills. And I see clearly how they’ll remain essential through changes to come. They resonate with me.

This week I read futurist Bob Johansen’s book The New Leadership Literacies. I was surprised to see how relevant those 3 points still appear. And I was thrilled to find so much context and explanation and ready-to-use direction.

I’m excited about the uncertainty our future promises.

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