
Chemotherapy Intelligent Virtual Assistant for patients and their families

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Make Treating Cancer Suck Less

​Simplify chemotherapy for patients and families, so they can enjoy the good it does.

Chemo IVA will help: Journal recovery; Track health, activities, and medication; Set reminders; Share feedback with providers; Keep your circles informed.​

Coordinate All Your Care In One App

You’re working with surgeons and oncologists and countless other doctors and nurses. Every time you visit you’ll get more information and instructions. Let Chemo IVA help you keep up with all of it.​

Outstanding Design

Chemo IVA is ready when you are, intuitive, accessible, and friendly. Store your data and share your story your way. Integrate with your providers’ health record management systems.​

Winner “Best New App 20-forever”

​Seriously, this app doesn’t even exist yet. Submit an issue or a pull request or poke us on Twitter to get involved and find out more.